Happiness and Marriage: Why St. Thomas Aquinas Probably Enjoys Pharell

“Clap along if you feel like a room without a roof. Clap along if you feel like happiness is the truth…”

Despite the aggravating infectiousness of that song, I believe the secret to its success lies mostly in the fact that Pharell put his finger on something incredibly fundamental to what it means to be human.

Continue reading “Happiness and Marriage: Why St. Thomas Aquinas Probably Enjoys Pharell”

The Billy Mays pitch I didn’t know I’ve always wanted to give

billy mays


Wow! The inaugural post has finally become a reality! WordPress has kindly informed me, through a flurry of automated and overbearing emails that the inaugural post should be an explanation about how I came to found this blog, my own personal aspirations, the color of my house key, social-security number and….. yadda, yadda, yadda. Reflecting on the life and times of one of my advertising heroes Billy Mays (peace be upon his name), I figured that I would just give a high-octane pitch that fizzles out very quickly, but still leaves you intrigued enough to wonder if the thing I’m selling is actually worth investing in . AHEM!….

Continue reading “The Billy Mays pitch I didn’t know I’ve always wanted to give”